Indochino Traveling Tailor In Calgary

[twitter]Indochino is bringing their Traveling Tailor pop up store back to Calgary from November 15th to 24th at the Burns Building 237 SE 8 Ave.

Indochino is an innovative online tailor where you simply supply a variety of measurements and get custom-made clothing. If you’re nervous about doing the measurements on your own, they provide a guide online and they also have pop-up shops around the country for a few days at a time, giving you a chance to meet with personal stylists who will help you find perfect, custom made-to-measure suits and shirts.

They were last in Calgary in the spring of 2012, and I popped in for a fitting:

The suit was sharp, and when it didn’t fit right on the first try, they sent it back and did it up again. From scratch. Now, if I could ever lose those 15 pounds I’ve gained in the past year, it might fit again.

Time to go and get remeasured, I guess.

Men who book a 30-minute appointment will be guided through the measurement and customization process. Suits start at $449, shirts start at $79 and all customizations are free.

Oh, and there’s a chance for you to get suited up for free too! Just book an appointment for the traveling tailor, tell me about it in the form below and you could win a 2 piece suit from the Essential Collection (valued $449)!

indochino essential collection

Traveling Tailor Calgary hours are: 8am-8pm weekdays, Saturdays 9am-8pm and Sundays 10am-7pm. Appointments can be made here.

After you’ve done that, make sure you enter another contest from Indochino which could see you scoop a $3000 wardrobe makeover. That’s enough for 4 suits, 10 shirts, and some ties. NICE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

During Calgary’s Traveling Tailor and in honour of Movember, men who purchase a suit will receive a complimentary Art of Shaving kit.

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  1. Mitch November 13, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    Booked in for Tuesday at 1:30! Already have 2 indo suits.

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